New User Info


SUMMER CAMPS 2021 SIGN UP (click here)

Summer Camps Brochure (downloadable)

Welcome to Tennis Arukat Academy, now at Hudlow Tennis Center in Norcross. Everything you need to know about joining our program all on one page. Grouping guideline, schedule and pricing. You may text Takura 404 324 0399 with any enrollment questions.

Free Evaluation Camp Sign up (December and January 2020/2021)

4 out of 12 groups are full and we will need to form new groups for the new comers. Because of this evaluation camps are only held with a minimum of 4 players as group comparability will be a consideration. Sign up on the link above for your evaluation. Read below to get an idea what level group you are.

We have moved from Dunwoody to Norcross ( November 2020) 14 minutes from our previous location. We now have access to 17 lighted tennis courts plus other amenities. We are overhauling the group set up and evaluation is critical to get everyone in the correct group from level of play, age, commitment level etc..

With a bigger facility and plenty more courts and more pros we aim to get every player in one of 4 main commitment groups which split into 3 levels of play. With at least 12 potential groups it should be easy to get every player in the correct group.

For the After school program registration, the $100 administration fee is waived entire year of 2021. After evaluation, you will be assigned a group.

Summer camps are different check the brochure or go to Summer camps page.

Evaluation is needed for all new players and if a player has been away from the program for more than a season or 3 months.

Silver group (formerly Tiny Tots) Sometimes referred to as the entry level group.

Our goal with the Silver group is to grow the love for the sport, work on hand-eye coordination and keep it fun. This class needs at least 6 players for most ideal learning environment.

Silver – entry:

  • These players are usually 5-7 years old.
  • Player should be able to understand basic instructions like “Get in line behind Jimmy,” “bounce ball on your racket” or “put your racket down and pick up 2 balls in each hand,” etc.

Silver – intermediate :

  • Player must have ability to throw and catch a ball from service line at least 6x in a row
  • Player must be able to do 20 ups and downs on a racket
  • Player must be able to hit 6/10 balls from the service line over the net thrown at them from a few feet away. 
  • Players should be able to throw ball over net overhead from the service line 4/10 balls.

Silver – Advanced:

  • Player must be able to rally with a pro from the service line 20 balls and 8 with a peer (counting only balls hit by the player) in 3 attempts using a sponge ball
  • Player must be able to hit 6/10 serves in from the service line in 1 attempt.
  • Player must understand the scoring and how you win/loose point. 
  • Players must be able to do 20 pancakes in 3 attempts

Red Group

Red – entry:

  • Player must be able to rally with a Pro from the baseline forehands and backhands 12 balls and 6 with a peer (counting only balls hit by the player) in 3 attempts using red ball
  • Player must be able to hit 6/10 serves in from the baseline in 3 attempts
  • Player must be able to hit 6/10 forehand volleys from mid service box over the net.
  • Player must understand deuce scoring.

Red – Intermediate:

  • Player must be able to rally with a Pro 16 balls and 8 with a peer (counting only balls hit by the player) using topspin and full follow through on most of the balls in 3 attempts with red ball.
  • Player should be able to hit 12/20 forehand and backhand volleys from mid service box in 1 attempt. 

Red – Advanced :

  • Player must be able to jump rope 30 seconds with no errors in 3 attempts.
  • Player must be able to hit 6/10 forehand swinging volleys from the service line over the net in 1 attempt with red balls.
  • Player should be able to get 8/20 serves in from the baseline with the continental grip in 1 attempt.

Orange Group:

Orange – entry :

  • Player must be able to rally 6/10 volleys from mid service box with a peer in 3 attempts with orange ball.
  • Player must be able to hit 6/10 bounce overhead over the net from the baseline in first attempt
  • Player must be able to rally from the baseline with a Pro 10 balls (counting only balls hit by the player) with topspin and follow through using orange ball in 3 attempts
  • Player must be able to jump rope 1 minute no mistake in 3 attempts.

Orange – Intermediate:

  • Player should be able to hit 6/10 one handed backhand slices from the service line over the net in 3 attempts.
  • Player must be able to hit forehand and backhand swinging volleys from blue line 4/10 in one attempt.
  • Player must understand offense and defense on every shot.
  • Player must understand how to play a 7 or 10 point tie break and when which is played when.

Orange – Advanced:

  • Player much be on school team or trying to join one.
  • Player must be able to play points with intent, basic placement and when to attack and when to defend.
  • Player should be able to hit volleys, slices, overheads and serves with a continental grip all the time without constantly checking and adjusting.
  • Player should be able to hit either spin serve (slice/topspin) and flat serves 2/10 each in first attempt.
  • Player should know how to hit drop shot, topspin lob, drop volley 2/10 of each in first attempt.

Green Group

Player must be playing competitive school matches, ALTA or USTA league. Majority of the drills are rallies with peers and lots of points. Seldom basket/ball machine feeding. Lots of tactics and strategy drills. 

Green – Entry

  • Player must understand differences between offense, neutral and offense and the shot selection for every play, correctly identify 9/10 balls.
  • Player must know how to do the 5 minute warm up and stretches before every practice or match play and execute without missing any major muscle group.
  • Player must be able to hit mid court balls with full acceleration topspin running from behind baseline 4/10
  • Player must be able to hit a serve in and second bounce on the fence 1/10 balls in 1 attempt.

Green – Intermediate

  • Player must be able to control the basic 3 ball trajectories on ground strokes, 1/3 balls.
  • Player must be able to change depth on groundstrokes with same swing speed to bounce on service line and baseline 8/10 first attempt.
  • Player must be able to hit 10 serves in a row at 80% and above speed
  • Player must be able to jump rope 2 minutes non stop in 3 attempts.
  • Players must know precisely how to assess opponent’s level and put in 1 of the 5 categories.

Green – Advanced

  • Player must be able to split the service box in 3 and serve 5 balls in a row in each section in 3 attempts.
  • Player must be able to hit 4 depth points with same racket head speed and both spins to mid service box, service line, blue line and baseline 1 in 3 attempts
  • Player must be able to just rope 5 minutes non stop in 3 attempts.
  • Player must be able to kick or slice a serve to hit the side fence on both sides 1/10 balls in 1 attempt.
  • Player must be able to juggle 3 balls for at least 5 seconds.

Moving Up: Players have the flexibility to move down a level or two but never the other way around until the player meets the criteria for that level or recommended by Pro. A Pro will suggest for a player to be moved up to the parent for them to see if players wants to and their schedule allows it, however the player/parent may express intent at any time and we will re assess. Players can be moved up any day, not monthly or seasonally.

Yellow Group is the highest level players in the program and is ONLY by invite. This suits mostly full time players (home schooled) with National ranking or high State ranking. Self driven players with college student athlete aspirations.


After school program starts Monday August 7. PLEASE sign in early to avoid disappointment. Nothing to very little has changed. You are ONLY signed in after you get an email confirmation. After school program starts Monday August 7. PLEASE sign in early to avoid disappointment. Nothing to very little has changed. You are ONLY signed in after you get an email confirmation. After school program starts Monday August 7. PLEASE sign in early to avoid disappointment. Nothing to very little has changed. You are ONLY signed in after you get an email confirmation. After school program starts Monday August 7. PLEASE sign in early to avoid disappointment. Nothing to very little has changed. You are ONLY signed in after you get an email confirmation.

Today Wednesday 5th, tennis is canceled all day due to rain. Posted from Redfield 5:46 pm

Summer Camps 2025 Sign Ups 

                                                                                      Adult Summer Cardio Tennis Sign Up 2025

On questionable days weather/holidays check here. I seldom cancel Summer has pop up showers.